10 x 16 Victorian Deluxe Shed
in Binghamton,
- Also serving Northern PA, Upstate New York, Elmira, Ithaca, Cortland, Norwich, Oneonta, Deposit, Hallstead, Montrose
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13.99% APY 10-Year GreenSky Financing:
$130.46 per mo*
*120-month term. Credit check required. Ask about all details & terms. Other plans available.
10.99% APY 10-Year Ally Financing:
$115.90 per mo*
*Credit check required. $4,500 minimum. Ask about all details & terms. Other plans available.
**Sales tax not included. Ask about all program details and terms.
Available in Binghamton, NY: This 10 x 16 Victorian Deluxe Shed is sure to be the envy of your neighborhood, with it's upscale features! It's steeper roof pitch and 8" roof overhangs that are enclosed with soffits on the gables and eaves add both character and protection to your building. As a crowning touch, the dormer adds to this building's appeal.
Free Local Delivery
Stop in or call 607-771-1111
Located on Upper Front St - Next to Advance Auto
6' x 6' double door
2 - 24" x 36" windows
3'w x 6'single door
Index #: V2705
Warm Sandalwood siding, Clay trim and Brown shutters
Natural Timber shingles
Lifetime Architectural Shingles
Lifetime Vinyl siding
6 Year top-to-bottom Warranty